Calibration Services

Metcal Calibration is one of the largest and leading ISO 17025 Accredited calibration services laboratory in Malaysia.
We provide wide-range calibration services in Dimensional, Mass, Force, Torque, Pressure, Flow, Volume, Electrical, Temperature, Humidity and Analytical Chemistry.
Why Metcal Calibration Services?
Measure Beyond Standards
Metcal listens to customer requirements and meeting expectations.
We constantly update and expand our capabilities using latest technologies, investing new calibrators and applying best practice.
Industry Recognized As Calibration Experts
Metcal is reputable for providing customers the highest quality services in various industries.
We work continuously with authorities, regulators, consultants and industry experts to solve customer’s problems.
Single Source, Extensive Calibration Capabilities
Metcal can simplify your purchasing needs, vendor maintenance work load and helping you save costs.
We provide you single-source, wide-range calibration services capabilities, both ISO 17025 Accredited and ISO Traceable.
High Accuracy, Low Measurement Uncertainty
Metcal can provide you ISO 17025 Accredited calibration with 4:1 Test Uncertainty Ratio (TUR) or better.
Our best calibration measurement uncertainty meets most stringent requirement for high accuracy calibration needs.
On-Line Calibration Management System
Metcal can provide you cost and time saving needs, for your quality record filling.
We provide you secured online access to calibration certificates, work status, automated reminders and history for easy analysis.