Non-Accredited vs Accredited Calibration Laboratory

Accredited V.s Non Accredited

Accredited Calibration

METCAL is an accredited calibration laboratory in Malaysia. Our calibration is performed as per requirements approved by an accreditation body, e.g., Standards Malaysia (DSM).

An accredited calibration laboratory shall have a Certificate of Accreditation and Scope of Accreditation containing a list of calibration activities that the laboratory is accredited to perform, either in the laboratory or on-site. Methods are evaluated, approved, and regularly checked to meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.

Technical competency, proficiency in performing calibration, adequate equipment and calibration standards, proper facility with environment control, and assurance of data.

Provide a certificate of calibration with the accrediting body’s logo on the document and sticker. Provide clear data, a traceability statement, and measurement uncertainty.

Carry out regular proficiency testing programmes to validate calibration capabilities at the National Metrology Laboratory.

Non Accredited Calibration

Calibration performed using in-house methods that has not been checked, validated or approved by regulatory body.

May not follow ISO/IEC 17025 criteria and DSM specific requirement that govern the technical aspects of the calibration laboratory such as ensuring correct equipment, standard training and methods are applied to the calibration process.

Raises doubt for work done; unless supporting documents are presented to prove traceability chain not broken, personnel knowledge, skills competency and experience.

Risks of calibration inaccuracy are higher, may lead to quality issues, business losses or jeopardizing health and safety.

Summary : Accredited Calibration is a must when accuracy, product quality, health and safety is utmost important.

Contact Us TODAY to discuss how METCAL can assist your Accredited Calibration needs.